Ferrari 250 GTO

Assignment 2 is using aluminium sheets to make a Ferrari 250 GTO skin model. There are 4 people in my group, which two are studying architecture, one is studying engineering and one is studying landscaping.  Such a beautiful team.

The first things we need to do is to create the template of the Ferrari. So we put the digital model into the program call Slicer for Fusion 360, and use the program to make a waffles model. We decided to use 3mm MDF as the material of the waffles model which total have 18 x 22 pieces.

  After we finished the digital waffles model, we are starting to cut the pieces out with the laser cut machine. It takes hours to finish all the pieces.

We start to put all the pieces together, some of the pieces are difficult to slide in. need really push in.

The physical waffles model finished nicely and strong enough.

After assembling the model, we tap up the model to reveal the contours of the car. And then we divided the pieces to each group mate.

What I am going to make is the beautiful hook of the car. There are many details on the hook, and I think the three holes is the most challenge part I make. Looking forward how it will look like.

Mark on the metal sheets make sure all are on the right position, and use the hammer and sandbag try to make the shape.

Using the way how to make the Torus to make the shape out. and careful not hit too much, shaping a perfect raised.

After hammer the whole piece and use the English wheel to make the sheet become more flat and overall fit the waffles model.

Starting to mark the three holes on the piece and use Jigsaw to cut it out, and then hit the holes down with the hammer and pre-make wood stick.

After finished the air holes, fit the shape with the model.

Starting to sand the piece with the machine.

Final part of making the piece is using the Brasso to polish the face. 

Final result of the shape making.

All the pieces fit in the model. 

